
Kent Dodds – Epic React Pro



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Kent Dodds – Epic React Pro

Confidently Ship Well-Architected Production Ready React Apps Like a Pro

Building React applications demands that you make expert decisions before you write the first line of code.

You’re responsible for building a cohesive, maintainable code-base that will help your team succeed and build a React application that serves your customers’ needs.

You’re faced with hundreds of decisions.

If you don’t choose correctly users will suffer.

Your team will suffer.

You’ll be stuck with your early bad decisions for the next 5 years at a minimum.

React is the smart choice for most web development projects in 2023
React provides an “assembly-level” set of tools without a lot of guidance on how to turn those tools into an application that scales.

That’s what makes React awesome.

But React’s flexibility is a double-edged sword.

It’s up to you and your team to decide how your application will be architected and maintained over time.

To make those decisions, you need expertise.

You need experience.

This is where the official React documentation cuts you short.

You are left piecing together components like a bucket of Lego spilled on the floor.
You need to build applications that scale.

✅ Well-tested.

✅ Well-architected.

You don’t have time for trial and error.

You have to get it right.

One of the biggest challenges with learning React is the vast sea of low-grade internet learning content.
You’re going to spend countless hours wading through out-of-date, low-effort, inconsistent, and often wrong blog posts, YouTube videos, and courses across the internet trying to understand how to build React applications that scale.

Books are out of date.

Articles are filled with bad advice.

Screencasts are old, stale, and too time-consuming to watch while not providing real practice.

Youtube channels are thinly veiled content-marketing schemes meant to harvest cash from your wallet without caring about you or your career. 😬

There has to be a better way.
What if you had a resource for you and your team that taught consistent fundamentals of React component development as well as a well defined, production-proven, enterprise-grade architecture for building applications that scale?

Wouldn’t it be great to confidently develop React applications with a solid foundation?

Would you like to have a coherent strategy and remove the indecision that comes with building a new React application from scratch?

Epic React is hands-on practice coding in a real development environment.
Epic React is a series of code-along interactive workshops that have been play-tested live and in-person over several years for hundreds of developers like you.

This self-paced workshop collection will start from the very beginning of the React journey and guide you all the way through well-tested application architecture.

React Fundamentals (1h 51m)
React Hooks (2h 24m)
Advanced React Hooks (1h 14m)
Advanced React Patterns (1h 19m)
React Performance (2h 14m)
Testing React Apps (2h 1m)
React Suspense (1h 34m)
Build an Epic React App (7h 7m)

This collection of self-paced workshops is truly epic. It isn’t a play on words!

  • 19 hours of concise in-depth video training
  • Interactive self-paced workshop exercises
  • 10 full hours of insightful video conversations with React experts

Bonus: Interviews with Experts
Beyond the workshops you’ll also get access to these bonus interviews that discuss React beyond the code.

Creating Open Source Libraries with Tanner Linsley
・ 39m

Animations and Interactions with Josh Comeau
・ 37m

Next.js and Vercel with Guillermo Rauch
・ 40m

Building React-based Design Systems with Ben Ilegbodu
・ 34m

The React Ecosystem with Tejas Kumar
・ 28m

Encapsulation and Styling with Michael Chan
・ 39m

3D Animation in the Browser with Paul Henschel
・ 39m

Best Practices for Maintainers with Jenn Creighton
・ 29m

Breaking into Tech with Samantha Bretous
・ 24m

Best Practices of Server-Side Rendering with Monica Powell
・ 31m

Mock Service Worker (MSW) with Artem Zakharchenko
・ 32m

React and React Native documentation with Rachel Nabors
・ 42m

React Developer Tools with Brian Vaughn
・ 49m

Who is Epic React created for?
This is intermediate/advanced material.

Epic React is not for novice developers.

We assume the following about your experience:

  • Strong understanding of modern JavaScript and, more generally, web development (HTML/CSS) – we won’t spend time remediating the basics in this self-paced workshop collection.
  • Willingness to do the work actively — this isn’t a passive course, and you won’t be successful if you don’t make an effort. It’s very challenging.

Epic React is designed for web developers who want to create robust, high-quality, well-tested React applications that scale to meet users, teams, and project stakeholders’ needs.

Hi, I’m Kent C. Dodds, and I will be your Epic React instructor
I’m a full-stack JavaScript engineer. In the past, I’ve worked at PayPal, where I helped build products shipped to millions of users all over the globe. I also represented PayPal on the TC39. In addition to my job as a React developer, I created and maintain the most popular library on the internet to test your React applications. I’m a Google Developer Expert, and I’ve been teaching on for six+ years.

The Workshops in Epic React Include:

React Fundamentals
Learn the foundational concepts necessary for building React applications and libraries
Learn everything you need to be effective with the fundamental building block of React applications. When you’re finished, you’ll be prepared to create React components to build excellent experiences for your app’s users.

React Hooks
There are better patterns and practices that are an entirely new approach to developing components and managing state in your React applications.
Learn the ins and outs of React Hooks. I will take you on a deep dive into React Hooks, and show you what you need to know to start using them in your applications right away.

Advanced React Hooks
To learn the more advanced React hooks and different patterns to enable great developer APIs for custom hooks.
We’ll look at some of the more advanced hooks and ways they can be used to optimize your components and custom hooks. We’ll also look at several patterns you can follow to make custom hooks that provide great APIs for developers to be productive building applications.

Advanced React Patterns
Learn how to build simple and flexible React Components and Hooks using modern patterns
Not only learn great patterns you can use but also the strengths and weaknesses of each, so you know which to reach for to provide your custom hooks and components the flexibility and power you need.

React Performance
React is fast, until it isn’t
Learn everything you need to diagnose, profile, and fix performance problems in your React application using the Browser Performance Profiler, React DevTools Profiler, and proven React optimization techniques.

Testing React Apps
Learn the essential tools and techniques to ship with confidence
In this hands-on workshop you’ll learn everything you need to test React components and applications with ease and get the knowledge you need to ship your applications with confidence.

React Suspense
Simplify your Async UI and improve your User Experience
Learn how Suspense works under the hood, preparing you for the future of asynchronous state management.

Build an Epic React App
Get started building React applications
The React and JavaScript ecosystem is full of tools and libraries to help you build your applications. In this (huge) workshop we’ll build an application from scratch using widely supported and proven tools and techniques. We’ll cover everything about building frontend React applications, from the absolute basics to the tricky parts you’ll run into building real world React apps and how to create great abstractions.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

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  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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