
The Sales Revolution 2022 BootCamp – Charlotte Laubo Berg



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The Sales Revolution BootCamp is a comprehensive sales training program designed to help sales professionals and entrepreneurs to increase their sales performance and results. It is a 3-day intensive Modules that provides sales professionals with the skills and knowledge to become successful in their sales careers. The program focuses on developing the necessary sales skills, strategies and tactics to succeed in today’s competitive market.

What is Charlotte Laubo Berg saying

‘’I did not fit what the market wanted, I was too wage, and I should pay more for support coaching to get clear on my niche’’.

As you can imagine, I was DEVASTATED.

I ended up trying to make it a vocal coach that year, but I only made a whopping $700 in total.

It was hard, because I couldn’t be ME.

And even thought I had learned all about my ‘’ideal client avatar’’, landing pages, money mindset, webinars, sales-scripts & …pretty much everything they teach you is ‘’necessary’’ to create a 6 figure business:

…things never really seemed to take off for me.

Luckily, now we’re in 2020, and I have ditched all the ‘’sales rules’’ I learned back then, and built a $500,000 year business with only ONE VA.

> Selling mostly from my private FB page…

> I had NO website…

> I had an average of 100 views on my livestreams (5-10 comments)…

> I didn’t have an active FB group…

> I DID have 2-3 days off EVERY week (yepp, even during this epidemic).

> Being ALL OF ME…giving my clients AMAZING results.

So here is my PROMISE to you!

If you are anything like I used to be:

A good-hearted woman with a BIIIIIG mission, that ‘’do not fit the mainstream 6-figure business box’’.

You’ve come to the RIGHT place.

The Sales Revolution BootCamp from Charlotte Laubo Berg

1rst Module: Ignite Your Innate [SALES] Genius: Sell What ONLY You

Can Do To The People BORN To Work With YOU.

>> STOP selling anything other than … that thing ONLY you can do.
It is time to see EXACTLY why working with YOU will result in explosive LEAPS your 6 and 7 figure counterparts cannot even conceive … transforming bank accounts, hearts AND minds.

[Feeling like a FRAUD is just a sign of missing out on of what makes you SPECIAL]

You are 20 SALES away from your first SIX figures.

Evolve from your client AVATAR and start marketing ONLY to the people who are BORN to work with YOU.

All 20 of them.

Marketing in MY circle means: if you do it right … ONE post is enough.

From January 5th 2021 you will know the exact HOW behind what RIGHT is … just like my countless “I DON’T know how to write copy“ clients do.

[Feeling advanced? I’m adding :“ONE Casual FB post = $10,000 Cash“ case study to spark your 2021 just for YOU]

Sell WITHOUT selling [not a typo].

STOP asking for sale 24/7 and start giving YOUR people … all 20 if them … everything they need so that they can start asking YOU for sale. Time to exorcise three riders of selling Apocalypse reducing you to BANALITY:

#1 … putting yourself out there 24/7 …

#2 … sharing your story …

#3 … building endless engagement for the sake of engagement …

[If you feel overwhelmed by marketing, you may want to send me flowers after this one!!! 😊]

2nd Module: You Are 20 Genius [SALES] Conversations Away From Your First SIX Figures.

Start the sales calls with CONFIDENCE worthy of what ONLY you can do.

When you know EXACTLY why working with their current 6 or 7 figure coach is the CAUSE of the problem and

what EXACTLY will happen when they hire YOU … signing clients ALREADY working with other coaches is … INEVITABLE.

[never been ASKED for sale by “already working with someone else” peeps? You will LOVE this!!!]

YOUR people are a PUZZLE made of needs with a giant MISSING piece … ONLY your [SALES] Genius can match.

Allow me to guide you to a PHD in their decision making psychology: the Subconscious pulling the UNIQUE to them emotional strings and conscious exposing only what SUBconscious allows … all the while keeping the EGO happy with a juicy oblivious sense of control.

When you can finish their sentences FOR them … there is NO need for SCRIPTS … ever again.

[YES, your previous 6 or 7 figure MINDSET coach will start to “secretly” follow you around like a puppy]

Objections are a simply a free invitation to repair the MESS left after working with the wrong people.

If you can understand the WHY behind their every issue and describe it BETTER than they can … EVERYTHING

you say will be the RIGHT thing to say.

[“Thank YOU!” and “HOW do you know that?” notes should be a regular thing after your sales calls]

3rd Module: Disobey The SIX Figure 1-2-3 Clone Factory” Business Strategy:

Lead Generation AND Copywriting IS Something OTHER People Do FOR You … FOR Free.

Think you need a COPYWRITER?

Disrupt the endless noise of “let’s shred the IQ of an entire room“ attempts at “please look at ME“ attraction marketing and start instantly HIJAKING attention with compassionate MIND reading posts fuelled with EVERY objection you have ever received on your sales calls… doing all the PRE-selling for YOU.

[yep, even if you are a NOT a native English speaker … just like ME]

Haters, blamers, “nasty comments“ peeps & bunch?

Fantastic, because from today … they are working FOR you.

Allow me to save you YEARS of mindset coaching and show you how to boldly REdirect ANY conversation back to that thing that ONLY you can DO … priced at $5,000 … in ANY context.

[and NO, you will never ever suffer from feeling like a FRAUD … promise 😊]

Friended and then PITCHED by your new “So what do you DO?“ 6 figure friend in the FB or IG messenger?

Switch your frustration to smug EXCITEMENT because from January 5th 2021 you will know exactly WHAT to say and HOW to say it to magically get your new friends to raise their hands for a … SALES CALL.

[yes, your private messenger box is your new $5,000 – $10,000 treasure box]

Our refund policy:

  1. You don’t receive item as describe.
  2. The Sales Revolution do not work the way it should.
  3. Most importantly, support extension can not be used.

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