
Ginny & Laura – Instant Growth Accelerator



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 Ginny & Laura – Instant Growth Accelerator


Create highly engaging Instagram Content that sets you apart from the crowd so you can… 

  • Get explosive reach, views and growth
  • Build a community of superfans
  • Generate leads of high-paying clients
  • Become the go-to industry expert


  • Spending less time creating content
  • Never having to do any outreach

Are you fed up with…
Never knowing what to post to get reach, growth and leads
Spending hours creating content for little to no results
Seeing others going viral for content that seems… Simply less good!?!
Feeling like you can’t stay consistent because it’s simply too much work

We have good news!

Content creation and Instagram growth don’t have to be complicated nor hard and certainly don’t have to be so time-consuming!
It’s time for you to create highly engaging content that sets you apart from the crowd and generates superfans that are ready to buy from you 😉
We’re going to turn you into a content genius capable of turning any piece of content into a growth & lead-generation machine!

But here’s the thing…
To turn your Instagram into a growth & lead generation machine, you can’t just jump on trends, have a hashtag strategy, a good bio or copy viral content that works for others…
If it was ‘that simple’ you’d just have to listen to a few IG gurus to have a large audience.
Instagram is all about Content Creation and Community Building. And you don’t get good at this by listening to fluffy advice and basing your strategy on hacks & trends.

You need a high end Marketing Content Strategy, based on human psychology that will… 
Get you explosive views, reach and growth
Turn each follower into a highly engaged superfan that is ready to buy from you
Make you a content genius: content creation will have no more secrets for you (blaming the algorithm will be a thing of the past)
Turn you into an industry leader (you’re not following trends, you set them)

To become a content genius you need a genius strategy:

No more wasting time following hundreds of Instagram gurus hoping to find THE secret that will make you go viral. We’re going to give you a step-step plan to create high-impact content and turn your Instagram into a growth & lead-generation machine.

Introducing you to…

An online course to show you how to build & grow an engaged Community of Superfans on Instagram full of ideal clients ready to buy from you.
Without ever having to do any outreach, spend money on boosted posts, or spend hours engaging with your ideal clients.

We’re going to make Content Creation a piece of cake
You’ll never break down over planning and creating, you’ll create content (much) faster, knowing full well it will give you RESULTS.
NO MORE FLUFF. We will save you dozen of hours of work so you can finally be consistent and get some time back to focus on other areas of your business or just CHILL and spend time with friends and family for once 😉

What you’ll get inside IGA

  • The step-by-step plan to creating highly engaging content that will turn your Instagram into a growth & lead generation machine
  • Our 3-step strategy to narrow down your niche and pick a profitable one
  • Our highly engaging Pick N’ Mix Content Strategy to attract the right people (no more spammers and competitors)
  • Our Content Planning secret to create 1 month of content in just 2 days!
  • Our Carousels, Single Posts and Reels plug & play formulas for high views and engagement (you’ll get examples and ideas for every niche)
  • Get on the explore page and be seen with our irresistible Hook formula (and craft enough content ideas for an entire year in just 1 hour)
  • Our branding strategy to stand out and become the go-to person in your niche
  • Design Carousels that stand out, we’ll show you our best easy copywriting tricks
  • Edit Reels like a pro with our easy-to-follow tutorial – that’s how you get views
  • Double your story views with our highly engaging Story strategy
  • Get all the quick and easy growth hacks ever tested that actually WORK
  • Know how to adjust your content and analyse your results for constant growth

Who the hell are we to teach you this?!

We’re two business besties who decided to build a business together during the lockdown, before even meeting each other in real life!
In 2020, we both opened Instagram accounts focusing on community building and the results were mind-blowing! Within just a few months we could quit our job and build a business that has now generated over 1 million dollar.

We’ve used content creation to build a 7-figure business

  • Together we accumulate 15+ years of experience in Marketing and Social Media (working for international brands and agile start-ups, learning from la crème de la crème)
  • Ginny has a Bachelor Degree in Psychology + a Master’s Degree in Marketing & Laura has an MBA (Business)
  • We’ve helped over 4,500 people like you be seen and build a community of fans online (anywhere from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands of followers)
  • We’ve grown 2 different Instagram accounts from 0 to 100K followers, and a brand account to 35K followers (on top of 65K followers on Tiktok, 5K subscribers on Youtube, 18K followers on LinkedIn) – we know how to grow an engaging audience
  • We’ve made 1 million dollar using Instagram as our main lead generation
  • We’ve been featured in international press

I’m Ginny!
I’m French and live in England with my British husband and two cats 😉 Here’s how I ended up here…
I grew up with an alcoholic and emotionally abusive stepdad… Who had a good job. And when I would ask my mom “why don’t we leave”? She would answer “do you like being able to do horse riding? So we gotta stay”. But horse riding had become a coping mechanism, a way to escape my home and situation.
As a teenager I knew one thing: I’d never depend on someone else to live my life and pay my bills.
I got a loan and studied what I thought would bring me the most money: Marketing & business.
Got a good job.. but hated it. So I quit, and I kept quitting my jobs… until I realised the issue was not the job, but the environment. I hated working in corporate and feeling stuck. Feeling like life was happening behind these 4 walls. I felt in jail.
So in 2020 I opened an Instagram account and started sharing the things I knew about Marketing & Instagram in the hope I’d get a freelancing gig. Grew a community, started to get daily enquiries for an offer I didn’t even have yet… and eventually signed clients and was able to quit my job 5 months after starting my Instagram account.
The rest you know it, I let Laura, we opened a new business and turned it into a 7 figure business.
I’m here to show you that if you feel stuck if you hate your situation: things can change. Having my own business felt like a wild dream, but it’s actually not that crazy 😉

I’m Laura!
Belgian girl, based in Brussels with my English boyfriend and adorable pup, but most of the year you can find us traveling around the world. Let’s say I’m living childhood Laura’s vision board: “Working like a boss while traveling the world”. The only difference is this one: I have far more freedom than I ever thought I’d have.
You see, I grew up in a very privileged but also toxic circle: “Get good grades, be nice all the time, get an MBA, climb the corporate ladder, work your ass off, and act as if all is perfect”.
Even when my mom got sick for the first time when I was 14, I didn’t learn the lesson that life is about more. I was still dreaming about that “perfect life” and started working hard to chase that vision board filled with materialistic and corporate dreams.
All was going to plan… I had the “perfect job” as a Brand Manager for a global brand, drove a nice car, bought some designer bags and bought a house.
Then 2020 happened… The lockdown forced me into furlough. I was devastated because my entire identity was linked to my corporate job. To keep myself busy, I started sharing my marketing knowledge on Instagram instead. I got inspired by the online coaching world and decided to help a few female entrepreneurs grow their audience and build personal brands.
That’s when I realized success isn’t about the perfect corporate job or what society thinks. It’s about freedom. The freedom to make your own choices, get out of the rat race and do something meaningful – like helping YOU achieve your goals.
And that’s the most important thing really… because okay, I grew a big audience, made a lot of money, can afford nice travels, and even bought some more luxury items along the way, but what truly matters is being able to have a genuine impact and live freely.

What’s included in Instant Growth Accelerator?

Weekly videos with proven strategies:

Our entire processes, systems and formulas to grow an engaged community and save dozen of hours of work – explained to you in a clear and comprehensive way

Plug & Play formulas:

Follow the unique “playbooks” with done-for-you templates, hands-on tactics & deep customer psychology insights to save tons of time when picking a niche & creating content

Personalised examples: 

As soon as you join the program we will ask you for your niche and add concrete personalised examples on our Mastersheet.

Everything you need to implement:


To Do lists to know what you have to do in order to see progress and results (yes we will give you homework ;))

By the end of IGA you’ll have

  • Decided on a niche that you know will be profitable
  • Have crafted a personal brand that sets your apart and feels like ‘you’
  • Have enough content ideas for an entire year
  • Know how to plan and create 1 month of content in just 2 days
  • Have created highly engaging Carousels, Single posts and Reels that make you the go-to expert in your industry
  • Know all the Instagram growth hacks secrets to go viral, and grow 10x faster
  • Be on your way to building a highly engaged community of fans: you’re not just growing, you’ve become THE go-to person in your niche, people will rave about you and want to work with you (that’s when the DM’s will flood with inquiries)


  • You don’t need to have your niche figured out, we will help you with that
  • You don’t need to be an expert at Instagram or Marketing (that’s what IGA will turn you into)
  • You don’t need to spend any dollars on boosted posts or paid ads to be seen
  • You don’t need to engage for hours with ideal clients (not sure about you, but it feels so icky to us…)
  • You don’t need to do any other outreach methods (only people who have no clue how to use Marketing do that..)
  • You don’t need to be a “know-it-all”: documenting your learnings is a great way to grow (that’s how we started too!)

You just need a step-by-step plan and content strategy to take you from lost, confused and overwhelmed to a content genius capable of turning any piece of content into something that will be seen and generate growth & leads.

– We’re not here to teach you Instagram 101 or random hacks to grow your account that you can easily Google.
– We’re here to teach you high-end strategies used by Content Marketing experts to turn any piece of content into a growth and lead-generation machine

The Schedule

WEEK 1 – Niche, Message & Ideal Client

During the 1st week you’ll set up the foundations. This is crucial step, without this you cannot have a successful Instagram.

You’ll learn:

  • How to find your niche and make sure it’s a profitable one
  • Defining your ideal client
  • Market Research for success
  • Defining your message
  • Setting up your Instagram profile for success

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 2 – Becoming the go to person in your niche

This week we’re going to build your personal brand and set you apart. We’re going to show you how to be seen as an expert and create content unique content.

You’ll learn:

  • How to build a personal brand
  • How to stand out on Instagram
  • How to find your “uniqueness”

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 3 – Pick N’ Mix Content Strategy

In week 3 we’re deep diving into our Pick N’ Mix Content Strategy. You’re going to learn to create content in an easier, faster and more effective way!

You’ll learn:

  • Our secret Pick N’ Mix Content Strategy to build a highly engaged community
  • How to get enough content ideas for an entire year in 1 hour
  • How to plan your content

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 4 – Reel Strategy

This week we’re getting practical: you’re going to learn our secret formula to create outstanding Reels that won’t require you to jump on trends. They will feel authentic and will give you more views!

You’ll learn:

  • Our plug and play Reel formula
  • How to film your Reels
  • How to edit your Reels
  • How to caption your Reels
  • Various types and examples

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 5 – Carousels Strategy

In week 5 you’ll learn everything there is to know about creating Carousels that engage your community and bring your more followers. We’re going to make them unique 😉

You’ll learn:

  • Our plug and play Carousel formula
  • How to design your Carousels
  • How to caption your Carousels

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 6 – Single posts Strategy

In week 6 you’ll learn our formula to create outstanding Single Posts!

You’ll learn:

  • How to create infographics
  • How to edit your single posts
  • How to caption your singles posts

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 7 – Saving time when creating content

Week 7 is all about saving dozens of hours of work when creating content. No more wasting time, we’re going to show you how to put processes in place so content creation becomes faster and easier!

You’ll learn:

  • How to schedule your content
  • How to plan and create content in 2 days per month
  • How to repurpose your content

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 8 – Story Strategy

This week you’ll learn our strategy to truly build and engage your community through stories. Instagram Stories have a lot of power and have a whole strategy of their own…

You’ll learn:

  • How to create highly engaging stories
  • Our Story pillars for more engagement and views
  • How to never run out of ideas
  • How to create stories faster

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 9 – Growth Hacks

Ok let’s be clear… Content is king, and growth hacks are ONLY here to boost already good content. But we thought we would share our best tricks to optimise your results once your content strategy is up and running 😉

You’ll learn:

  • Our best proven and tested growth hacks
  • How to build an engaged community
  • How to optimise your growth
  • How to engage (the right way, not the long and icky way)
  • How to network

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist

WEEK 10 – Analyse & Optimise your results

Almost there! This week you’ll learn to analyse and optimise your results. You’ll act like a real Marketer… Content Creation will have no more secrets for you and you’ll know exactly what to do if you lack reach, views, engagement or growth!

You’ll learn:

  • How to analyse your results
    What to do if you don’t have views, reach, followers, story views or overall engagement

This week includes:

  • 40 minutes of video training
  • Tasks & workbook to complete
  • Checklist


It IS for you if…

You have a business idea or side hustle idea (service, course creation, digital products) and want to grow an audience on Instagram

You’re a full-time business owner who wants to grow a community on Instagram to generate more leads

You’re a wannabe content creator, ready to build an audience on Instagram that you will be able to monetise later on

It is NOT for you if…

You want to sell a physical product , your music, or art.

You’re expecting overnight results without doing the work: inside IGA we make things as easy as possible to grow an audience on Instagram, and our processes will save you tons of time while creating outstanding content.

BUT it does require some work to get there, we recommend 1 hour per day.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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