
Joshua Sigafus – Get the Women You Want: Decoding Female Attraction



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Joshua Sigafus – Get the Women You Want: Decoding Female Attraction

Get the Women You Want: Decoding Female Attraction

In this 98 page PDF eBook, you’ll learn to ‘decode’ female attraction and understand the formula you need to apply to become the ‘attractive playboy’ that women actually pursue, crave, and desire. Joshua K. Sigafus takes you back to his formative years as a teenager, where he documents his experiences with his best friend, Garen—a natural lady’s man—and contrasts this with his own adolescent dating woes.

We Should’ve Been Taught This at School

I used to get ‘flaked on’ a lot by women.

If you’ve ever had this happen, then you know exactly how it feels.

It feels bad.

I remember this one particularly bad incident where I drove over an hour to meet a woman for dinner.

I planned to buy us hamburgers.

I showed up to the burger joint dressed as cool as I could manage…

But she never showed up.

All of a sudden, she just stopped messaging me.

I ended up eating alone, and driving home sad.

Nowadays, this kind of thing never happens to me.

Nowadays, my dating life is completely different.

In short, it’s as awesome as I have the time for.

In fact, I’m often dating 3-5 different beautiful women at the same time (if my busy schedule allows).

How did I change it?

I want to tell you a little story.

When I first started writing posts for The Adult Man, I was unaware of just how many men were dealing with dating problems.

And most of the time, these problems can all be boiled down to one thing:

Not understanding the true nature of female attraction. 

See, I can relate to this in a major way.

When I was young, I didn’t understand women at all.

I didn’t know how to attract them, impress them, seduce them—none of it.

I’ll spare you the more intricate details of my story. But let’s just say that at one point, women were a complete and utter mystery to me.

Trying to date felt like trying to navigate a confusing three-dimensional minefield.

It felt like that scene from Entrapment, where Catherine Zeta Jones was twisting and turning to climb through the little red lasers with a blindfold on (although I definitely wasn’t as hot, and I tripped the alarm about 100 times as often).

I struggled to get dates. On dating apps, I got few matches. On the rare occasion that I did manage to get a girl’s number, I barely ever got a text back. Or even worse, I’d get ghosted or flaked-on (such as in my opening story about the girl who stood me up).

Hook-ups? Yeah right.

Girlfriend? In my dreams.

The friendzone? Oh yeah baby—that’s where I lived.

These experiences led to me asking myself some serious questions:

Is this all there is? Is this all I get? Am I just doomed to fail at this?

See, nobody ever sat me down and taught me how to date.

Nobody ever explained female nature to me.

Instead, I grew up in a conservative environment where I heard many of the same old ‘sound bites’ that you’ve probably been told. Stuff like:

  • Treat her like a princess
  • Always put her first
  • Women like nice guys
  • Respect her body
  • Always be a gentleman

Well, needless to say, these ‘sound bites’ didn’t take me very far.

And it wasn’t long before I was completely frustrated—to the point where I felt like giving up.

But I didn’t.

See, I’ve always been pretty hard headed.

I’ve never been one to back down from a challenge.

So I made it a priority in my life to embark upon the journey of trying to understand the full picture of female human desire.

  • What actually turns women on?
  • What are women looking for in a man?
  • Why do some men manage to effortlessly attract women, while others just fail over and over again?

Really, it all boiled down to one question:

How do you become the type of man that women actually crave? 

I pored over books, scientific studies, lectures, literature, and training materials.

After five years of intense studying, practicing, building theories, and testing those theories in the real world—I eventually discovered the answers.

They were so powerful that they completely transformed my dating life.

I went from being a dork who couldn’t get a single number, to being the type of guy who could date as many beautiful women as I wanted.

And eventually, I came to realize that this knowledge could also help other men as well.

So I compiled this eBook, containing everything that I’d learned about female attraction in my life.

It’s packed with 98 pages of in-depth advice and powerful information to help you:

  • Unscramble the mystery of female attraction so that you’ll know what women actually want in a man
  • Back engineer the truth about how men can actually become desirable to women so that you can level-up the masculine attraction traits that matter
  • Understand commitment signals and how important they are so that you can address the two most important aspects of seduction that most men never even touch
  • Learn why women prefer ‘leadership-oriented men’ over ‘followers,’ to help you broadcast yourself as ‘powerful’ instead of ‘weak’
  • Dispel common myths about female behavior, to help you avoid doing and saying the wrong things
  • Level up the one powerful alpha mindset shift that you must embrace if you truly want women to take you seriously as a high value man

It even contains step by step instructions for how to embrace these concepts in your own life, to help you become the type of man that women crave and desire.

If you’ve been looking for the answer to the age-old question:

What do women want?

… this eBook gives you everything you need to get started.

I wrote it to be the most helpful, no-bullshit, straightforward guide to winning with women that I’ve ever read.

And trust me—I’ve read a lot of them.

In a nutshell, this is everything that I wish I would have been told about women before growing up and entering the dating marketplace. 

So if you’re tired of losing at the dating game…

If you’re tired of rejection and not knowing what to do to win with women…

… this is the eBook for you.

This information has absolutely revolutionized my life. And I have zero doubt that it’ll help to do the same for you.

Your Reformed Dork Turned Dating Coach

About Joshua K. Sigafus

I didn’t start out being very ‘good’ at dating.

My dating life was kind of a mess in high school.

I managed to get married at the age of 20 (more by luck than through any skill with women), started my own business, had a couple of kids, and thought my life was on track to success.

Then, it all came crashing down 10 years later—when my then-wife told me she wanted a divorce.

This plunged me into a dark place in life. I had to perform a total life reset at the age of 30—and realized that my lack of skill at the dating game was actually creating a ‘disaster-level problem’ in my life as a man.

But I was determined to overcome it.

I began what I now call ‘the alpha journey’—embarking on my own ‘hero’s arc’ of self-improvement and self-discovery—learning what I never learned in my teenage years about how to successfully engage with women and create an amazing, awesome dating life for myself.

I’ve been on this journey for over half a decade now. I’ve completely transformed my life, and am happy to say that my dating life has truly become the stuff of legends.

Now, my passion is to help other men understand the lessons I learned (especially in regard to dating) and to navigate some of the problems I’ve faced along the way.

My goal is to help make every man a champion in his own life.

But in order to be a true champion, every king needs to know how to attract (and keep) a beautiful queen (or two or three…).

And that’s exactly what my courses and eBooks were designed to help you accomplish.

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