
Chow Gar Tong Long – Get The Power (Third – Intermediate Level Module)



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Chow Gar Tong Long – Get The Power (Third – Intermediate Level Module)

III. Get The Power
Third – Intermediate Level Module

Previous modules give you the theories and the tools to become stronger, here you can focus on how to build your power You also continue with feeling the different kinds of power and the level of your power. The foundation also becomes stronger here and you can detect the faults in your power chain – the ability to observe yourself during practicing has a great importance here. By finishing this module, you will have a clearer picture of whole body power and you will open a new perspective for yourself too.

🕐 9 hours of material

  • 46 videos
  • 26 lessons
  • 6 short trainings
  • 3 big trainings

Get The Power Full Curriculum

1. Introduction

Foundation Strength – Part 1

1. Kiu Geng Saam Bo Gin

2. Narp & Chit

3. Chan Dai Geng

4. Wan Yuen Hay Fu Kup

5. First Set (The Beast Routine)

6. Diu Kiu Jee Lik

7. Waist Power Turns

8. Collecting Cirlces & Release

9. Old & Young Man Chi Kung

10. Tip Bo Sam

11. Second Set

12. Chy Sao

13. Pai Kiu

14. Fung Arng Power Punch

15. Stretched Arm Resistance Exercise

Neck Power

16. Hap Sap Dan Tien Geng Ma

17. Upward Neck Power

18. Hap Jeurng Pair Set

19. Turning the Neck

20. Third Set

21. First Big Training

Finger & Wrist Power

22. Exercises with Jar – Dragon claw
23. Strengthening with the Pole Wrist / Bridge
24. Strenthening the Finger Tip
25. Training Set

Second Stage Saam Bo Gin

26. Second Stage Saam Bo Gin – Part 1
27. Second Stage Saam Bo Gin – Part 2
28. Second Stage Saam Bo Gin – Part 3
29. Floating/flowing Saam Bo Gin
30. Fifth Set
31. Doi Chong 1
32. Doi Chong 2
33. Dip Gwat Lo Shuen Geng
34. Mo Sat

Foundation Strength – Part 2

35. Changing Claws – Part 1
36. Changing Claws – Part 2
37. Hap Jeurng Kung – With Power
38. Chuen San Gup – Different Levels
39. Sixth Set

Saam Bo Pai Kiu Form

40. Saam Bo Pai Kiu – Part 1
41. Saam Bo Pai Kiu – Part 2
42. Saam Bo Pai Kiu – Part 3


43. King Of Power Training – Solo Version
44. King Of Power Training – Double Man Version
45. Closing & Advice

Get It By Submodules

III. / 1 submodule
Foundation Strength – Part 1

III. / 2 submodule
Second Stage Saam Bo Gin

III. / 3 submodule
Saam Bo Pai Kiu (Slicing Bridge)


IV. Shake Off The Bridge
Fourth – Advanced Level Module

Shake Off the Bridge is about getting natural and getting spontaneous about using your own power. It is a sculptor’s way of cutting away the excess. In here you will also receive a lot of feedbacks on what’s going on in your body while practicing our kung-fu. This helps you to refine your power which is a never-ending process. Most probably in this module you will feel like “Finally, I have a good kung-fu!”.

  • 58 videos
  • 44 lessons
  • 7 short trainings
  • 2 big trainings


Shake Off The Bridge Full Curriculum

  • Introduction

Starting To Release

  • About release
  • Forward Or One Hand Release Bill Jee
  • Got Sao & Bil Jee Release
  • Kim Ma Bo Sim
  • Over Head Release
  • First Set

Speed Up Section

  • About Speed Up
  • Speed up Chi Kung
  • Speed up Slow Saam Bo Gin
  • Speed up Fast Saam Bo Gin
  • Second Set (Speed Up Set)

Release II Section 

  • About Release
  • Release Lap Kiu
  • Release Mut Kiu
  • Release Pai Kiu
  • Release Soc Kiu
  • Release Double Jeurng
  • Release Dai Sao
  • First Mini training

Bo Sim Section

  • Bo Sim Introduction
  • Eagle Claw Bo Sim
  • Tiger Claw Bo Sim
  • Dragon Claw Bo Sim
  • Mantis Claw Bo Sim
  • Third Set
  • Bow Chong & Chau Kiu

Saam Bo Pin Kiu Form Section

  • Sam Bo Pin Kiu – Part 1
  • Sam Bo Pin Kiu – Part 2

Techniques & Chongs Section

  • Dan Tien Chi Kung With Release
  • Fourth Set
  • Tan Sao With Steps
  • Chit Kiu Low & High
  • Gin Sat
  • Double Break With Shock
  • First Big training
  • Sai Sao Chong
  • Pai & Lap – Single & Double
  • Do Sao Chong
  • Jeurng & Mut
  • Short Tao Sao
  • Chum Chang Sao Chong variations
  • Tan & Outside Bow Chong
  • Dai Sao With Break
  • Second Mini training
  • Loi Noi Yuen Sao Chong
  • Chuen Sao
  • Bow CHong In Pairs

Yiu Kiu & Pai Kiu Variations Section

  • Chan Dai Geng With Pai Kiu
  • Saam Gin Yiu Kiu & Saam Bo Pai Kiu form combination
  • Saam Gin Yiu Yiu & Saam Bo Pai Kiu ending section variations
  • Saw Sao Chong

Yam Yeurng Kum La Form Section 

  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 1
  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 2
  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 3

Closing Section

  • Saam Bo Gin (One Step Release or Fast Fou, Chum, Tan, Tou)
  • Second Stage Saam Bo Gin (Release)
  • Big Training of all
  • Closing & Advice


V. The Way Of The Mantis
Fifth – Advanced Level Module


However it seems like this is the end of the journey, more likely this is the beginning (of a new era). By this time you have the power and you control your techniques, so it’s time to refine your existing skills by learning such forms which cannot be really practiced without them, and to master the weapons of the system. Knowing how to use the weapons as an extension of your arms bring your hand techniques to a completely. This course will help you to refine your knowledge and deepen your understanding to start your path on becoming a Master.

  • 60 videos
  • 45 lessons
  • 6 short trainings
  • 3 big trainings

The Way Of The Mantis Full Curriculum

  • Introduction

Starting To Release

  • About release
  • Forward Or One Hand Release Bill Jee
  • Got Sao & Bil Jee Release
  • Kim Ma Bo Sim
  • Over Head Release
  • First Set

Speed Up Section

  • About Speed Up
  • Speed up Chi Kung
  • Speed up Slow Saam Bo Gin
  • Speed up Fast Saam Bo Gin
  • Second Set (Speed Up Set)

Release II Section 

  • About Release
  • Release Lap Kiu
  • Release Mut Kiu
  • Release Pai Kiu
  • Release Soc Kiu
  • Release Double Jeurng
  • Release Dai Sao
  • First Mini training

Bo Sim Section

  • Bo Sim Introduction
  • Eagle Claw Bo Sim
  • Tiger Claw Bo Sim
  • Dragon Claw Bo Sim
  • Mantis Claw Bo Sim
  • Third Set
  • Bow Chong & Chau Kiu

Saam Bo Pin Kiu Form Section

  • Sam Bo Pin Kiu – Part 1
  • Sam Bo Pin Kiu – Part 2

Techniques & Chongs Section

  • Dan Tien Chi Kung With Release
  • Fourth Set
  • Tan Sao With Steps
  • Chit Kiu Low & High
  • Gin Sat
  • Double Break With Shock
  • First Big training
  • Sai Sao Chong
  • Pai & Lap – Single & Double
  • Do Sao Chong
  • Jeurng & Mut
  • Short Tao Sao
  • Chum Chang Sao Chong variations
  • Tan & Outside Bow Chong
  • Dai Sao With Break
  • Second Mini training
  • Loi Noi Yuen Sao Chong
  • Chuen Sao
  • Bow CHong In Pairs

Yiu Kiu & Pai Kiu Variations Section

  • Chan Dai Geng With Pai Kiu
  • Saam Gin Yiu Kiu & Saam Bo Pai Kiu form combination
  • Saam Gin Yiu Yiu & Saam Bo Pai Kiu ending section variations
  • Saw Sao Chong

Yam Yeurng Kum La Form Section 

  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 1
  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 2
  • Yam Yeurng Kum La – Part 3

Closing Section

  • Saam Bo Gin (One Step Release or Fast Fou, Chum, Tan, Tou)
  • Second Stage Saam Bo Gin (Release)
  • Big Training of all
  • Closing & Advice

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