
Ed Reay – Lifestyle Copywriter Client-Acquisition System



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Ed Reay – Lifestyle Copywriter Client-Acquisition System

Ed Reay:

Remember when you used to dream of being a copywriter?

Maybe it was the money that brought you here…

Being able to make “6 figs a year” from your laptop…

Or maybe it was the flexibility of being able to work from anywhere in the world…

Being able to fire your boss…

Or, maybe it was simply being able to make a living doing what you love.

Some gurus call this the “Laptop Lifestyle”.

Well, when was the last time you’ve actually lived the Laptop Lifestyle?

If you can remember, great.

But if you’re like most copywriters…

Chances are you’re drawing a blank right now.

Because if you were living the laptop lifestyle right now…

You’d know it.

You’d remember the trips you were able to take while working from your laptop…

Finishing work at noon…

Working with clients you adore…

Spending time with the people you love most…

Maybe even taking a Friday off to escape into your gaming cave(if you’re into that).

I Remember The Day This Dream Crumbled Before My Eyes…

It was early 2020.

And I’d just left an abusive copywriting job at an 8-figure sales education company…

Now I was burnt out, jobless, and terrified.

I hadn’t freelanced in over 2 years…

Wasn’t sure WHERE my next client was coming from…

And felt pretty worthless tbh.

I didn’t know what to do.

Fast forward 1 year…

Now I’m working with some of the biggest names in the internet marketing industry like Traffic and Funnels…

Clients and Community…

Russ Ruffino…

And more…

What changed?

I’ll tell you this—none of this was by accident.

It’s 100% systematic and repeatable.

Because when copywriters started asking me to spill the beans…

And I did…

Well… the results speak for themselves.

In just in the last 12 months:

  •   We’ve had copywriters sumbit their 2 weeks notices
  •   We’ve had copywriters surpass $50,000 in personal savings
  •   We’ve had copywriters take home $15k/mo+ in retainer income 
  •   We’ve had copywriters close $11k VSL projects
  •   We’ve had laid off copywriters replace their clients within a month 
  •   We’ve had copywriters get invited to speak on podcasts and at live events
  •   We’ve had a 62.5% success rate, meaning about 2 in 3 land paying clients

Unlike Most Copywriters We’re Able To Attract Clients When WE Want Thanks To This System…
I’ve only shared this system with copywriters willing to invest a few months of their salaries into themselves…

But for the next few days, you won’t have to (more on that in a moment).

First, let me share what this system is NOT.

You no longer HAVE to:

  •   Cold email hundreds of people…
  •   Working for free to “impress” a potential client…
  •   Send annoying dm’s…
  •   Buy flights, hotels and tickets to live events and HOPE somebody hires you…

What Is This System And How Does It Work?

I used to wonder why some of my clients were able to make multiple 6 figures even though their copy sucked    …

Then it hit me:

The difference was they used a simple social media system to attract clients…

Everyone in our industry seems to think that if you’re just a good copywriter, clients will magically flock to you…

But if that were the case, then why do so many good copywriters living on an income rollercoaser right now…

Or still working for nightmare clients?

It’s simply because they have no SYSTEM to acquire the clients they deserve.

Once You Plug Your Copy Skills Into The Right Client-Getting SYSTEM That’s When The Magic Happens…

I took this social media system my clients were using and adapted it to what I wanted (more copy and consulting clients)…

Over time, I refined and improved the system…

Then when I started making $15k to $30k a month consistently, I started sharing it with others.

60+ copywriters later, we were able to refine and improve the system until it was something truly special…

A system that required only 1 hour a day…

And roughly 2 out of 3 copywriters who went through it were land paying clients(62.5% to be exact)…

This success rate is unheard of in our industry.

What Does An Average Day Look Like With This System?

  •   You’re spending 1 hour a day on social media
  •   You’re making simple social media posts
  •   You’re growing your audience
  •   You’re starting conversations with potential clients in a high value way
  •   You’re making offers the way I show you how

That’s it.

The Result? 

  •   Business owners will DM you
  •   Business owners will want to talk to you
  •   Business owners will want to hire you to write copy or consult them

How To Use This System To Land Your Next Client

  •   Go through these modules at your own pace (or binge on it this a weekend)…
  •   Follow the system for 1 hour a day until you close your first client…
  •   Repeat until you hit your income/lifestyle goals!

Inside You’re Also Getting Our “Copy & Paste” Irresistible $3k A Month Offer…

I don’t care if you suck at making deals…

Make clients this deal, and more often than not, they close themselves on working with you…

Allowing you to land your next $3k/mo retainer client…

And the best part is they only take an hour or two a day to fulfill.

That’s an extra $36,000 a year in your pocket.

And if you want to stack more clients, you can.

Want to land a retainer client or two then submit your 2 week’s notice?

Several copywriters have.

Want to work a few hours, then goof off for the rest of the day?

Welcome to the club.

Or maybe you want to take better care of your loved ones…

…or maybe you want to upgrade your home like Dan…

…Maybe you want to travel to exotic destinations like me…

…or maybe you just wanna have enough in your bank account to say FU to bad clients (or your boss if you’re not a full-time freelancer yet)…

…And never have to take on another job just for the money again.

Do You See Why Copywriters Are Ditching The Old Way Of Getting Cleints For This NEW SYSYEM?

Sure, you can keep doing what you’re currently doing to get clients…

Maybe cold emailing, cold dm’ing, sending free samples and/or attending live events is working for you…

Or maybe it’s not.

And If that’s the case, you’re in the same boat as most copywriters.

The right client-acquisition SYSTEM can change that…

…but only if you allow it.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. Innovative Business Model:
    • Embrace the reality of a genuine business! Our approach involves forming a group buy, where we collectively share the costs among members. Using these funds, we purchase sought-after courses from sale pages and make them accessible to individuals facing financial constraints. Despite potential reservations from the authors, our customers appreciate the affordability and accessibility we provide.
  2. The Legal Landscape: Yes and No:
    • The legality of our operations falls into a gray area. While we lack explicit approval from the course authors for resale, there’s a technicality at play. When procuring the course, the author didn’t specify any restrictions on resale. This legal nuance presents both an opportunity for us and a boon for those seeking budget-friendly access.
  3. Quality Assurance: Unveiling the Real Deal:
    • Delving into the heart of the matter – quality. Acquiring the course directly from the sale page ensures that all documents and materials are identical to those obtained through conventional means. However, our differentiator lies in going beyond personal study; we take an extra step by reselling. It’s important to note that we are not the official course providers, meaning certain premium services aren’t included in our package:
      • No coaching calls or scheduled sessions with the author.
      • No access to the author’s private Facebook group or web portal.
      • No entry to the author’s exclusive membership forum.
      • No direct email support from the author or their team.

    We operate independently, aiming to bridge the affordability gap without the additional services offered by official course channels. Your understanding of our unique approach is greatly appreciated.

Refund is acceptable:

  • Firstly, item is not as explained
  • Secondly, Item do not work the way it should.
  • Thirdly, and most importantly, support extension can not be used.

Thank you for choosing us! We’re so happy that you feel comfortable enough with us to forward your business here.

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